Town of North Branford CT Website
Town of North Branford CT Website
Companies in North Branford can take advantage of an educated workforce, a location that already attracts people with disposable income, and a strong, varied business community for business-to-business sales and partnerships.
The Town of North Branford has initiated a strong pro-business posture, recognizing that growth and prosperous businesses are essential to the overall health of the community. This has resulted in the following initiatives:
Cooperation with the State of Connecticut in the improvement of Route 80 to remove congestion and facilitate business development along the road
Planning for the re-use of the former Town Hall site to be redeveloped as a mixed-use town center.
Approval of a major new retail center on Route 80 that will house a "Big Y' supermarket.
Acceptance of a comprehensive economic development strategy.
Establishment of a Facade Improvement Program that will provide grants for the improvement of commercial development in that area.
Movement of ESI Industries into an existing building on Twin Lakes Road.
We're confident that these locational advantages - and the benefits of locating in a globally competitive state like Connecticut - give North Branford a strong base for your business. We believe that once you become a part of our community, you'll be here to stay.