Town of Franklin CT Website
Town of Franklin CT Website
The present administration believes the outlook for the town to be optimistic and challenging. A balance between homes and businesses should maintain a level tax base. Growth has been gradual and there is a strong commitment to maintaining the town's rural character. It should be noted that it's Fire and Medical Department is one of the best in the state for its size. The Department has grown from one rebuilt piece of apparatus in 1955 to the present department of seven pieces of equipment and an ambulance.
Recreational facilities for townspeople are increasingly being cared for at Giddings Park and Town Hall. The Senior Citizens enjoy a nutritious dinner there every Tuesday at noon or earlier, with some kind of program preceding. On certain days a nurse is in attendance to check blood pressures and other ailments. Surplus commodities are distributed when available. A comfortable van picks up persons who do not wish to drive or cannot do so, as well as taking them shopping in Norwich or Willimantic once a week if they are properly signed up in advance. Many trips are planned by Mrs. Carboni in the course of the year and they are greatly enjoyed. The banquet and entertainment furnished by the Lions Club to the Seniors as an annual event is a real bonus and much appreciated.
The reader will observe that less has been written about recent history than about the earlier years. Much of this history is so current and ongoing that some future writer will need to evaluate it and bring it up-to-date.
Now back to our beginnings! In those days the church directed not only its own affairs but also most of the community and economic endeavors. In direct contrast, many people today are saying: "It doesn't matter what you believe as long as you live a good life." But beliefs do matter. Listen to the late John Foster Dulles: "Our American political institutions are what they are because our forebears were deeply religious people. As soon as a community was founded, a church was built. Also, whenever a community was founded, its members developed practices and ways of life which reflected their belief in God; that He is the Author of a moral law which all can know and should obey."
Our church has had a pastor in residence most of the time since 1717. It has a present membership of approximately 250 and the various organizations and groups within its nurture now function under the leadership of the present pastor, Rev. Robert W. Wright who came to Franklin about seven years ago. Many of our townspeople, of course, worship at other churches.
The "Church on the Hill" is the fourth to stand there, but in different locations. It is still a Congregational Church, but after two separate mergers is now designated as part of the United Church of Christ. This was accomplished in 1961.
Franklin is a good place to live!
Copyright 2007