Assessor's Office - Plainville, CT
Assessor's Office - Plainville, CT
The Assessor's Office:
Welcome to the Town of Plainville’s Assessor’s Office page. This web page is designed to give the taxpayers of the Town of Plainville an overview of the duties and responsibilities of the Assessor’s Office.
The Assessor is required by State of Connecticut Law to list and value all real and personal property. Valuation is subject to ad valorem taxation on an assessment grand list each year. Assessed real estate values in Connecticut are 70% of the estimated fair market value as of the last town-wide revaluation. The last revaluation in Plainville was for the 2011 Grand List. In the years between revaluations the Assessor must maintain the values and administrative records for the Town. This office is responsible for approximately 7,500 real estate parcels, 27,000 motor vehicle accounts and 1,200 business personal property accounts. The Assessor is required to sign and file the Grand List each year by January 31st.