Assessor's Office - Monroe, CT
Assessor's Office - Monroe, CT
To ensure property owners of the Town of Monroe share the tax burden through discovery, listing of all taxable property and equitable valuation in accordance to applicable assessment law and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
Information regarding the 2014 revaluation can be found in the revaluation link to the right.
2014 Assessment Records
The Assessor's Office provides the following public services:
Provides a Grand List on January 31st that lists the owners, addresses and assessments for all taxable and tax exempt properties located in the Town of Monroe. The Grand List is based on an assessment date of October 1st. Each property is assessed at 70% of market value.
A very important responsibility is the ongoing discovery, valuation, and listing of taxable property.
The Grand List generates the greatest amount of revenue to the Town of Monroe through the collection of taxes.
The Assessment year begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. During that period this office maintains an inventory of all real property including changes in ownership, vacant land, land with improvements, and reflects all new constructions, alterations, and subdivisions filed as of the October 1st assessment date.
Performs annual real property inspections pursuant to open and closed building permits.
Performs revaluations of real property every five years pursuant to 12-62 of the Connecticut General Statues. Monroe's next revaluation is scheduled for October 1, 2014. The last Town of Monroe revaluation was completed effective October 1, 2009.
Performs annual personal (business) property audits to insure business property is being assessed in accordance to Connecticut General Statutes.
Maintains maps that provide the location of all taxable and exempt real property.
Lists Connecticut registered motor vehicles and business personal property which are assessed for inclusion as part of the Grand List.
Administers state and local tax relief programs, grants exemptions as permitted by Connecticut General Statutes. Some of which include veterans, disability, blind, manufacturing, forest, farm exemptions, and elderly tax relief credits.
Assists the public with requests for information.